Unicorn company? What is that?

published on 25 March 2023

The market is constantly changing, always bringing novelties and new opportunities, and Technology is one of the sectors most responsible for adding to this. One of the current trends to leverage this scenario is the famous unicorn company. Have you heard of it?

If you like innovation and working in the tech universe, find out more about these companies and how you can work in one of them to develop an excellent career.

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The nomenclature unicorn, on the other hand, appeared in 2013 and plays with the idea that this type of company would also be extremely rare. In the business world, the mythological figure has the mission of representing creative people who have brought a new way of working and generating profit. As of October 2022, there are over 1,200 unicorns around the world, accumulating ~$3,871 billion. Crazy, right?

How do they work?

  • Social networks are great allies.
  • The client is the center of the operation.
  • Global expansion is accelerated.
  • Diversity runs in their communication and attitude, having a very plural team.
  • They work with uncertainty as part of their daily routine.
  • Principles are not forgotten - never.
  • Focus always on results.
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How to work as a unicorn recruiter in a unicorn company?

If you want to work in one of these companies and help renew recruitment area in different segments, it is important to note that some visions are key factors.

Specialists point out that unicorns are created and maintained by new generations, with segments linked to technology and sustainability. They are creative workers, linked to problem solving and communication, characteristics that are quite remarkable among the millennials, for example.

Understand better the profile desired by these companies:

No limits in your job

Resilience is their last name

As we have already mentioned, these companies, in their majority, are founded by new generations, who seek diversity from the inside out. So, having the awareness that multiple respect is present is determinant to join the unicorns' challenges.

There is no magic formula for success in the selection processes, although outstanding unicorns share some common characteristics and look for diverse teams that bring wisdom growth to the company.

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